Our mission is to have a website, where you can purchase kinky, humorous, erotic birthday, holiday, and personal
greeting cards, private party Invites, personalized posters, and personalized Calendars, leaning toward our kinky side of
life. We have been to a lot of adult bookstore chains, lingerie shops, and video stores. There are not a lot of quality cards
out there to be found. To me, it all looks like from the 70’s and 80’s. Again, we want to offer a quality product,
not porn or smut, easy to purchase privately, over the web. Again to show the 'Beautiful side of Kink’
can be Cute!'
has been a lot of bad press about the kinky side of people. We want to show the beautiful side of Kink. Real people, in real
situations. Not everyone is a model. But, there are really a lot of Beautiful Responsible people out there, men, and women,
enjoying life, practicing Safe, Sane, and Consensual Play.
Privacy, where applicable, is
paramount to us.
Questions that people have
asked me.
Where can I go for private Kinky photography, where it’s really kept private?
can I purchase party invitations for my private party, besides Hallmark? LOL!
I want a personalized calendar
made for my husband (or wife) for only him and me to see, and appreciate. Where can I have it done privately for us?
When my husband, wife, or life partner, is good at rope of leather work, who can I get to photograph this?
I am throwing a private kink party. Whom can I trust to photograph this with privacy primal?
is the Web Site to check out!
We are under construction, so please be patient! Personally, I hope the web site
is always under construction, growing and changing to your needs.
“All financial transactions will be through
If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, eventually we will have a place for you to
contact us, and share your thoughts.
Again, Thank you all, from DigitalPhotographix.
Always remember, to Play Safe!